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Virus Hunter Chronicles

NOV Dec 2002
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Lessee... all sprites copywrite Capcom, Sega, and Square, except the ones that aren't. The ones that aren't are copywrite Akira Toriyama, Toei Studios, and Bandai. Sprites taken from either Dirty Power Inc., The GSA, or Sprites Inc. Any actual backgrounds will also be copywrite one of the previous companies listed, and probably taken from Dirty Power as well. All of this without permission. Hey, at least I don't make any money off of it! Really! Hell, I'm not even selling stuff from my original characters! Anything I've missed is copywrite it's respective owner, whom I will give credit to, just as soon as I find out. Oh, and anyone who takes this page out of proportion and does something from it, which causes them to hurt themselves or others, is on their own. This is just a comic. It's made for fun and humor. Anyone who steals my junk, not only sucks, but is in for a world of trouble! Well... unless they give credit where credit is due, I guess. Hmm... maybe I should've thought this through a little better, eh?